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Rescuing a Pet Supplies Brand from Decline

Project Overview:

As a leading supplier of dog beds and accessories, our prominent Pet Supplies client faced a substantial decline in Year-over-Year (YoY) sales in 2022. Heightened market competition and increased Cost Per Clicks (CPCs) had rendered the brand unprofitable despite collaborations with multiple agencies.

Our intervention focused on comprehensive analysis and strategic optimizations to reverse the brand's decline:

Cost Analysis and Break-Even ACoS Targeting: Conducted a thorough analysis of the company’s costs and developed targeted advertising campaigns aimed at achieving a break-even Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) efficiently.

Optimization Automation and Budget Management: Introduced optimization automation and budget management to reduce wasted spend and elevate the performance of high-performing campaigns.

Hourly Bidding Optimization: Implemented hourly bidding optimization to ensure optimal spend allocation and prevent wastage.

Phased Approach: Adopted a phased approach, laying strong foundations with sponsored products before progressing to sponsored brands and display, ensuring a gradual but impactful expansion of the online presence.


The strategic initiatives yielded transformative results:

  1. 37% YoY Sales Increase: Achieved a notable 37% increase in sales in months 2 to 4, signalling a swift turnaround in YoY performance.
  2. ACoS Within 2% of Target: Attained an ACoS within 2% of the target from Month 1, showcasing the efficiency of the targeted advertising campaigns.

By addressing cost challenges, implementing targeted advertising strategies, and adopting a phased approach, our intervention not only revived the brand's performance but also set the stage for future expansion.

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